Tuesday, May 31, 2011

On the sixth day, god made gore-tex

So out of the long memorial day weekend, i managed to grab one afternoon of dry weather, and two days of trail runs in the drizzly rain.  On Saturday, the weather broke after noon and Dave, Tony and i nuked it for Pipestone, dodging dirt bikes and finding some flowy trail to boot.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

AND WE'RE LIVE ... ChrisEbelingPhotography.com

The new site is now live,  galleries aren't super deep right now but there is a smattering of most of my work.  More work to come...  and more posts on adventures coming on this blog,  i know most people don't really care about following everyone else's lives, so i am going to keep this blog to mostly photos and some light Trip Reports,  no soapboxish blah-blah-blah, promise.
